Thursday, July 31, 2014

Immeasurable Love by Sophia Healey

Today was impactful in a way that I would never have been able to predict. What we did today was spend time with the kids that live in the town we are building in. It especially hit me today that these people are really living off of close to nothing. At first that made me feel discouraged, that no amount of work on this trip will make a difference in the lives of these people, but then I reminded myself that solely me, Sophia Healey, making a difference in these people's lives, isn't the point of this trip to begin with. The goal of this trip is to let the Lord impact and change these lives. Me being here is not for their benefit because I'm helping build, wash people's children, and assist doctors, those are all good things to do, service is never a wasted activity. What I really felt in my heart today was that what I wanted to leave these people with is something that can never be taken from them, the incredible, and immeasurable love of God. 

So today, when Dominic, Clint, Allison and I were singing songs to the children, I prayed that God would shine through me, touching the hearts of every single person that heard the words we were singing. When somebody's eyes met mine, I prayed that, even for just that second, the Holy Spirit was felt in that small connection. What I think about looking back on today, is that I hope, and pray, that those who don't know the Lord, now know of Him and wish to seek Him, and for those who do know of Him, seek Him with a stronger passion.

Side note; we got the opportunity to buy Bolivianitas today (the beautiful jewel of Bolivia, half purple half yellow) and I bought a cool hat ;)

Love you Mom and Dad, hope all is well at home, hugs and kisses for you and the dogs!

- Sophia Healey

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