Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 2.5! By Ginnie Revenaugh

Hi all!

      We are loving loving loving loving loving LOVING this wonderful country of Bolivia and city of Cochabamba in particular. We are nestled in a valley, surrounded by huge mountains on every side. I woke up this morning, opened my window, and was met by a breathtaking view of snow-peaked caps in the distance. Coming from flat Illinois, I was more than impressed. This city is bustling, with lots of people in the streets to smile and wave at from our large, lime green, "Scooby-Doo" (as Richard coined it) Volkswagen bus we take everywhere. The Bolivian people are incredibly sweet, never hesitating to wave back at our hands hanging outside the bus windows. They are also incredibly patient, especially when it comes to the language barrier. I have taken French since 6th grade and am so lost when it comes to Spanish. Despite my saying "oui" instead of "si" more times than I can count, they never seem to get frustrated with my terrible communication capabilities. This place is amazing!

      Today we went to church to hear pastor Holman give a sermon on forgiveness. During the service, we worshipped in both English and Spanish which was a really cool to experience (although I didn't understand half of it) and our bible team gave a skit about the burdens of sin.

      Afterwards we prepped for a bus full of children to arrive for our planned activities and stuffed our faces with Bolivian chicken, fries, and rice. The salsa here is to die for! Unfortunately the children never came. The dates were mixed up and they're coming next Sunday instead. So, we changed plans and decided to head to a HUGE Bolivian market called La Cancha.

      La Cancha was enormous...we spent two hours there and only saw about 10% of it. It contains hut after hut of everything imaginable: clothes, fruit, meat, purses, scarves, furniture, knives, toiletries, and MORE! We headed straight to the tourist huts, full of brightly colored bags, hats, pants, earrings, wallets, etc. The vendors would see our group of 19 americans and jump at the opportunity, pulling out their colorful products and urging you with head nods and outstretched hands to purchase. In typical Ginnie fashion, I bought WAY too much, most of which I will probably never use, but it was too fun to resist the exotic fabric and that leather backpack I got for $18...(sorry mom!) Needless to say, we had a great time exploring the market and seeing an entirely different way of life.

      I could not ask for a better group to be on this trip with. We have the perfect combination of quirky, bossy, sarcastic, weird, hilarious, sweet, and fun to make every situation or task enjoyable. I have grown closer to every single person on this team and am so blessed to be surrounded by people as amazing as these.

      We worship an AMAZING God, my friends, and I feel so grateful that He loves us as deeply and sacrificially as he does. The depth of his love for us takes my breath away. Praise Him!!!!!

Our God is good!

Ginnie Revenaugh

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