Monday, July 28, 2014

The Lord is in Bolivia by Carter Fricano

      Sometimes it can be difficult to feel God's presence, and it can be difficult to even realize that He is with us at times. That was not the case today.

      Today was our first day of building, and much to the joy of returning Bolivia Trip fellas, we didn't have to dig any trenches.  We began our day by moving bricks.  Lots of bricks.  2 hours went by and not even half of the bricks were moved up to the second floor of the building.  But despite the disappointment, it was clear that our team has a ton of chemistry.  We eventually began laying bricks and, by the end of the day, we completed almost half of an entire wall and a quarter of 4 other walls.  Not bad.

      Including our ultimate triumph on the work site, God showed His face to all of us today.  Today we met a man named Samuel.  Samuel aspires to be a pastor with all of his heart, but a freak car accident cost him the use of his legs.  While we took a break from working, Samuel's family and our whole team gathered around him and prayed.  It was extremely powerful to feel God's presence as we prayed that Samuel may fulfill his aspiration to serve Him and bring others closer to Him.

      The Lord didn't stop there.  Tonight during our team time, we had a time of worship and two team members shared their testimonies.  Worship, in short terms, was powerful, and we grew closer to our team when our two friends shared about their lives.  God has worked in such magnificent ways on this trip through us to show His love to the Bolivian people, serve them in a practical and huge way, and also to bring us closer to Him...

And its only Monday.

- Carter Fricano

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