Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Gift From God by Ben Laedlein

So as my title has stated, that is exactly what this trip has been to me so far. I wanted to come into this trip with a different mind set and last year since this is my second year here in Bolivia. I knew that since I had already had the new and interesting phase of a new place, I really wanted to be able to experience the poverty and lifestyle that the people here live. So far, it has hit me pretty hard. God has really opened my eyes on this trip. He has shown me many things in my life that I need to focus on and the possible ways to work through them.

It has been pretty amazing to see the exact same place as last year except through new eyes. Seeing the building that we started last year by digging trenches all day, near completion, is an amazing feeling. We have mixed nearly enough batches of concrete to build another Empire State Building! Tomorrow we move onto day 6 according to Dan, but say its really only day 5. This will include lots more concrete and the walls getting higher and higher. We still have many more days to come and I know that God will continue work through each and everyone of us!

- Ben Laedlein

P.S. Hello to all of my family that will be reading this. I love you all very much!

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