Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Linzy Made Me Do This by Grace Carollo

       It was our third day on the worksite. Our third day laying bricks, our third day waking up before 7:00, our third day with sad attempts at Spanglish, our third day coming home with dirt, snot, and concrete stuck to our bodies, and our third day growing closer to the Lord and in fellowship with our team. Through the brick laying and concrete mixing with the members of our team, along with the Holman family, we are able to learn and grow in mistakes, triumphs, and mediocrely built church walls to create a group of teenagers brought together into an inseparable bond because of the love of Christ.

       The Holman family has brought so much light into the work we are doing here in Bolivia. Hope, Joy, Patience, and Mercy never fail to bring a smile to my face regardless of the strength draining from my body after a long day on site. I was worried about going through babysitting withdrawal, however these kids make that sacrifice much easier (Mom, tell Josie I say hi). Faith is is constantly encouraging me in my walk with God, asking challenging questions and trusting me with her own experiences. Without constant encouragement from David and Josh on the worksite when they are delivering concrete I am very doubtful we would have made half the progress we have. Caleb and Ben bring laughter, joy, and good music into any dry situation without any doubt or hesitation (currently blasting Taylor Swift and country music).

       Had I not been so stubborn Mom, those protein bars we fought about packing would have been greatly appreciated as we are much more cultured to Bolivian meals than I remembered from last year. Twelve out of the last fourteen meals consisted of rice, potatoes, or toast. Marlee lent me a protein bar for dinner today and I think I doubled my protein intake in just that meal. Dad, you told me to say hi in the blog: Hey. Danny you will also be proud that I chewed coca leaves for the first time today. PJ and Sarah I'm not sure what to say and I doubt you're reading this but I got you guys presents.

       As much as I'm anticipating sharing stories when I get home and having a team reunion, most likely to be on August 5th, I do not want to leave this place. Bolivia and the people here hold a special place in my heart that cannot be fulfilled anywhere else.

-Grace Carollo

PS: Somebody please feed Riley.

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