Wednesday, June 24, 2015

With Arms Open Wide // Isabella Stackhouse

As I sit on the 2nd floor landing to write, I feel at a loss of words. Not because today was boring but because today was so packed and amazing. I am so blessed by my team. As each person has headed to bed we've exchanged "goodnights." Alex just came by suggesting I title the blog "Good, Good Dad" our beloved Father's Day song. Grace tackled me in a goodnight hug. Dylan and Harrison just stopped by for a little chat as they headed up to bed.

Today we had a "fun day" because Harrison, Kitty, and Anthony are leaving tomorrow to start their journey back to the states. They will dearly be missed but our last day together as a team was incredible. We started off our day with a wakeup call at 8:00 (which we all thanked God for). After a delicious breakfast, we were surprised with a cake for Dan and Linzy's Anniversary. So Happy Anniversary to Dan and Linzy. Once we were all fueled up, we took the bus to La Cancha, a large market in Cochabamba. We split up into two groups based on room assignment. My room (Room 6) was with the boys in Room 5. Our group consisted of myself, Katie, Annmarie, Mady, Michelle, Kitty, Anthony, Tim, Jack, Dylan, and Harrison. We followed Seth, a pastor we had worked with a few nights ago, through the market. There were so many goods that were being sold ranging from fruit, football (soccer) jerseys, and even live animals. Many members of our team purchased the jerseys with much excitement (Harrison bought 3). The hardest part of the market was walking through the witchery section. I won't go into detail because experiencing it first hand was hard enough. My heart went out to the people who believed and relied on a mystic evil.

After that we met in part of the market that had true Bolivian wares and where many of us bought souvenirs. I don't want to give any spoilers but Mommy, Daddy, Philip, Nana, Zia, Mia, and V, you guys are in for some great gifts! One item I bought for myself was an alpaca sweater. Many of my team members also purchased one and we took a picture together when we got back. After we had shopped around we headed to a lunch of chicken, fries, and rice. We took a short walk for some of our team to buy the Bolivinita, a gem one can only find in Bolivia. Then, after a short bus drive, we stood at the base of El Christo.

The boys decided to be manly and run up El Christo. Everyone else took it at their own pace. For me and few others, that pace was slow. Our group consisted of me, Grace, Emily, Annmarie, Sarah, Linzy, and Theo. Grace, Em, and I stuck together as we climbed. A few selfies were taken, a few T-Swift songs were played, and a few claims of "I'm Dying" were uttered. As we climbed Linzy encouraged us to keep going and reach the summit. She did this by giving us 10 Lessons. Now I don't remember all the lessons, mainly because I was concentrating on getting oxygen, but two stood out to me. Have Christian Fellowship and Jesus is always waiting at the top of your struggle with arms open wide.

The first one I have received through this trip. Tomorrow part of our team will leave and I feel like we won't be completely whole without them. Our team has gotten so close over the past days. I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of my team members. There are a few team members especially that I hope to continue strong relationships with after the trip. I've never really had Christian Fellowship and I've discovered the importance it holds and the love and encouragement it gives.

The second is one the struck me as I had finally reached the summit. As we climbed over the hill, Grace yelled, "I SEE JESUS! JESUS WERE COMING FOR YOU!"  We whooped for joy and hi-fived Jack. Before me, arms stretched wide was El Christo. I felt so good reaching the top and seeing Jesus there saying, "You made it, you conquered that struggle and I'm here." Standing looking up at Jesus with his arms open wide, I have no words to describe this awe inspiring experience.

There was a little Ice Cream stand at the top and pretty much everyone hurried over to get ice cream. Grace and I shared Vanilla with Chocolate chips and it was delicious! After that we took MANY photos with El Christo and the view. We watched the sunset across Cochabamba and then headed down the windy roads on the bus.

We stopped at the house briefly and then had a steak dinner at a nice restaurant. After we got home we had some Team Time, sharing funny stories, shout outs to our teammates, and how we felt the Lord in our lives that day.

Everyone is in their rooms now (not everyone is in bed though, I can hear Harrison and Dylan talking). I will be heading up soon as well. Even though it's sad some of our team will be leaving tomorrow, I'm so grateful for the day we had together today. Tomorrow we will continue our work on the church. I pray we will be the hands and feet of God and that Harrison, Kitty, and Anthony have a safe flight. I'm sure if I missed anything, Harrison covered it in his post. Goodnight to you all back in the states. I miss my family, but I'm pretty content with the family I'm surrounded by right now.


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