Friday, June 26, 2015

Jenna is the Coolest // Sam Trammell

I want to start off by saying that this trip to Bolivia has been more than I could have imagined. My time this past week has been spent in many new and exciting ways, from climbing up --what seemed like a million steps-- to El Cristo while recovering from a cold, to being able to converse with and learn more about the Bolivians we have worked with and been able to serve. Today was no less exciting.

I started off my day just like every other: sitting on the steps, doing my morning devotionals, drinking a cup of coffee all while watching the sun rise from the window directly across from me. This might not seem very significant to most, but being able to take 40 minutes disconnected from the rest of the group and solely focus on God while feeling the sun slowly move up from my toes to my face is a pretty amazing experience. Post devotionals, however, was not a completely new experience (we ate scrambled eggs... it was good).

Onwards to when we drove the bus to the work site, being able to witness all different parts of Bolivia was something I, nor anyone else, will forget. The real fun began when we pulled up to the church and saw two of the little girls we has seen on previous work days jumping and smiling when they saw our bus.

Once we had greeted the people there, applied our sunblock and climbed the (completely terrifying) ladder to the third floor, we began out very, very long day of mixing concrete and laying down bricks. There were a few hiccups, such as that time Linzy and Trevor finished a very beautiful layer of bricks and soon after realized the beginning of a window had to be put in that exact spot, or the fact that the bus left our sight with all of our bags of necessities for the whole day, Even with these few bumps and though we were all exhausted by the end of it all, we all, I believe, felt a real sense of accomplishment.

With these last few days ahead before we leave for home, I am hopeful we will all stay encouraged and healthy as we have loads of work left and many flights ahead of us.

PS I love you mom and pops.

-- Sam

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