Monday, June 22, 2015

Times In and Out of the Bachelor Pad // Richard Melville

I'm so pumped to be back in this country. The landscape is beautiful, the food is great and there are soccer courts everywhere. In one viewpoint today, we saw six courts. Amazing.
Clint, Anthony and I have a little bit of a different perspective than the rest of the team because we aren't sleeping in the guesthouse. Every night we drive about ten minutes to the north side/higher altitude side of the city to another missionary's house. Since it's just Anthony, Clint and I we have appropriately named our little room "The Bachelor Pad." The Pad is on a hill, so we are just above the fog to see the stars and high enough to see the whole city. The views are astonishing- we can see El Cristo from the balcony as well as all of the lights of the city. The only bad thing is we have to wake up a little earlier to get to the Holman's guesthouse

Today was our first work day. It was awesome to be back at the church we helped build last year and there were many happy reunions, one of them being Alex and his favorite dog, Copernicus (who is also a new mother with some adorable puppies). It was an emotional moment.

Most of the team built at the church, but eight of us went to build a house for one of the elders of the church who was conveniently named Richard as well. It's a small, brick house and we should have it finished by tomorrow which is super exciting. Lots of concrete mixing, brick laying, and water carrying.

One of the coolest parts of the day was seeing all the kids walk back from school. We are building in a very poor and under resourced area, but since Compassion International is in the neighborhood, all of the kids had shirts and ties, school bags and food as they were walking back from school. All these kids will have been impacted by the church that was built in the past few years. God is working in Bolivia in so many ways. Hope everyone is good at home! I'll catch you guys on the flip.


PS from Lisa. Marianna Catherine Danneker! I love you and miss you so much! Hope you have a swaggy birthday I will see you next week! Allison- I hope you feel better soon! Love, Lisa

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