Wednesday, June 24, 2015

El Cristo // Harrison Lindholm

Today is my final day in Bolivia. Anthony Kitty and I start our trek home tomorrow. This morning we went to "La Cancha" it is a  massive market in the city. After that we went to El Cristo, a giant statue of Jesus that looks over the city. It is very similar to the statue in Brazil. La Cancha is a never ending maze of different shops full of things from alpaca knit caps, guitars, carved pipes,  speakers made out of beer cans to rows of fake Nikes, Lacostes, and Ray Bans.

 We were split into two groups my group was led by Seth. He is an American who is setting up a church here. He led us through the streets bustling and narrow. Every so often a car would come honking down the road. Seth would yell at us to move to the side. These cars wouldn't stop for anything. Over each shop was a canopy, The canopy shaded everything keeping us nice and cool.

After the market we went to El Cristo. we had to climb 290 meters up stairs. It was so hard to move up it. often I had to stop, because the altitude thinned the oxygen making it hard to breathe. The statue stands 34 meters, incredible to look at. we spent loads of time at the top of the mountain looking at the city that sprawls beyond the mountain. It was a great feeling to have made it to the top with all the other kids. It was a really goof way to feel connected to the rest of the group. Today has probably been the most fun day. I am glad to have come here to experience the country.

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