Sunday, June 21, 2015

God Is Good, Forever. // Jack Mancuso

     God's presence radiates throughout the breathtaking valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia. He is in the hearts of the people, in the growth of the church, behind every rock steady bond our team has formed with one another. God is here, not just in the giant El Cristo statue that overlooks the bowl of the valley, but in His Holy Spirit.
    The Bolivians, kids and adults alike, have drastically changed my outlook on life. They have so little, and have been face to face with such great pain. Their stories are a shining reminder to me of the absolute goodness of God. One of my biggest struggles in faith is with the dirty, broken nature of our world, and how God could possibly be involved in it, or even allow it to exist. What I have learned through these amazing people is that God's goodness is stronger than any trial. In the music group for VBS, we sang a song for the children called "Cornerstone", or "Mi Roca" in Spanish. Before this song filled the room, the children were antsy, distracted, and just being fun-loving, outgoing Bolivian children in general. I wouldn't be surprised if even the molecules in the room stopped moving when the band began playing "Mi Roca". The Bolivians are absolutely, completely confident in their rock and refuge, the Lord Jesus Christ. God is good, forever, He is our firm foundation, and nothing will ever be too big for him.
     VBS is an extremely transformative experience. Interacting with the children changes the way you think and how your world works. The friend I made today, Tomas, was one of the most genuine, nicest kids I've ever come across. When we brought food for the kids, I doubt I've ever seen anyone so grateful, or a smile so big. God's goodness made a beeline for my heart through my time with Tomas.

      Last but not least, I have to discuss how amazing the team I'm here with is. Everyone has their own unique personality, something brilliant to contribute, a killer sense of humor, and a transparency that gives everyone a safe and loving environment. These people bleed the love of God, and I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else. Also, our host Joe Holman is one of the greatest people of all time, but you didn't hear it from me.

This was an attempt to take a picture with the cows in the field behind us (which you totally can't see). Grace was mooing, and Jenna was sitting on a bush when the photo was taken.

   Happy Father's Day, Dad! Hope you went golfing. Mom, we need to see Jurassic World when I get back, hopefully it's not sold out. Rachel, hope you're still having a good Africa. Chunk (my dog), don't tell anyone this, but you're my favorite. I love you all.

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