Saturday, June 27, 2015

Operation Pillow//Dylan

   Today was our last full day in Bolivia and it was a great way to close the trip.  Today, doctors and dentists came to the community center/church to offer free services to anyone who wanted help.  I was able to help out the dentists by cleaning their equipment for them.  I felt very bad for the child that had to have his tooth pulled as he was screaming during the situation.  I think he felt better though when I handed him some popcorn and an apple juice packet.

  After lunch, it was my turn to pray over the people coming to the event and the church which was a little hard to stay on track since I had 20 minutes to do so before I got the next person.  Praying was nice to have quiet time to focus on God and remember the reason for the event and clear my head.  After my prayer time, I got to play with some fresh puppies who were just learning to walk.  My favorite puppy was brown and named Lava (she looked similar to lava cake) and was the cutest puppy out of the group.  Seeing a little kid dancing around, I decided to join him and realized soon that his energy never ran out.  He was always ready for me to pick him up and swing him around again and again.  He also had this huge smile on his face that was so cute and contagious that you thought he would have been on a cereal box.  

   We started to make balloon animals for the kids, but with my lack of balloon animal making skills and Spanish, I struggled to make acceptable creatures for the kids.  To close off the day we thanked the Bolivians for allowing us to help them build a house and the third floor while being able to play with the community kids, beat them in soccer, and share the gospel.  We prayed with them and waved goodbye as we left to go back to our last night at the guest house.

-- Dylan

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