is doing something huge here in Bolivia. I have never heard the word gracias so much in my life and
felt so much love from the Bolivians – it was almost unexplainable. As it is
our last day here in Bolivia, we have about only 4 more hours left in this beautiful
country, and it is starting to become real for all of us that we are leaving.
It feels like we have been here for forever, but as we sit here in the airport
now it feels like this day has come way to quick.
It is so hard to sit here and
type out all the emotions and memories that we all have encountered because I
don't want it to end. As we were leaving the airport earlier today, about 30
Bolivians showed up to send us off with one last prayer and thanks. All of them
went out of their way to come there just to love on us one last time and show
their appreciation for all of the hard work we were apart of this week.
As a
part of their thanks they sang the song "Hosanna" by Hillsong United
in Spanish in the middle of the airport. Half of our team started to
cry by the chorus of the song because it was the most heartfelt
and loving gesture anyone could ever do. After the song was over
they surprised our whole team with scarves with
homemade stitching of their church's name so that we will never
forget them and remember to pray for them. They constantly called us their
brothers and sisters and always reminded us that if we don't return to Bolivia
one day we will meet in heaven.
They waved us off on the tarmac... and made us cry. |
As much as the Bolivians thank us for
everything, I think we owe them the biggest thanks for changing our lives and
helping us grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and expanding the kingdom
of heaven. In the end, though, all thanks goes to God for making this trip
- Erika