Saturday, June 29, 2013

How He Loves by Madie Nixon

Lately, I have felt so distant from God. I have been praying for about a week for God to reenter, with full force, into my heart. This morning, I sat down and wrote in my journal that I needed God to physically show up in my life. I can feel Him, I know He is there, but I needed the validation that He hears my cries.

Walking into the VBS today, I was almost emotionless. I love children and building relationships with people, but today, I was not feeling it. I walked over to my music group and met our Bolivian leader, Jose. He was kind and gentle, but I just brushed him off as a new face. Another woman came into the room and asked us to go out and find kids to come to the local VBS. Hesitant, I said okay and I went on a walk with Jose and a few other team members. As one of the only Spanish speakers in the walking team, I was forced to make conversation and translate to and for Jose.

As I started saying mini phrases like, "como se llama" (What is your name?), "donde estan los chicos" (Where are the kids?) and "cuantos anos tienes" (How old are you?), Jose then wanted to dig into deeper conversations. I continued talking to him for over an hour. He and I talked for the rest of the day and by the end, I was crying as I was walking away from our VBS.

The real transformation came as we were breaking in between songs. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a sucker for "How He Loves" by the David Crowder Band. As we stop to talk between songs, I start hearing the tune for "How He Loves." I listen closer and realize that Jose is singing my song in the corner of the room. He was singing in Spanish, but none the less, it is my jam and I bawled like a baby. I was crying so much I had to walk out of the room. God's love for me in that moment was so evident. I went to the corner and cried as I prayed to God thanking Him for showing Himself to me.

God listens and hears. God is surrounding no matter where in the country one is. He loves all who come and follow Him. Nothing is impossible with God. 

- Madie Nixon

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Madie,

    I am so proud of you! I loved your transparency about feeling distant from God. I have been praying for you and your mission-mates to experience Him in new and powerful ways. He adores you Madie!

    I am loving the daily postings! Thank you all for taking the time to keep us back home in the loop.

    So glad that journal came in handy!
