Saturday, June 29, 2013

Building #2 and VBS #1 By Cassidy Lenstrom

So today we went back to the worksite for the second time and we had a great day! We spent most of the morning laying bricks and scooping concrete. Personally, I lacked the energy and enthusiasm I had yesterday at the worksite, but luckily it was only a half a day. After lunch on site, we took our bus to our first VBS site. We broke up into our four groups - Drama, Music, Crafts, and Sports - to set up. Once we were ready for the kids, we split them into four groups and they rotated through each of the stations. My group was crafts. 

Since all of the kids spoke spanish only, I sort of became the translator/leader for the group. We started off with a David and Goliath puppet show and I read the story to go with it for the kids in spanish. Then they took out their paper bags, put googly eyes, and drew smiles to make their own puppets! Next were the heart hats. Each kid had a hat in the shape of a heart made out of a paper bag, and decorated it with stickers and drawings to represent God's infinite love. The last craft was a little popsicle stick frame and the kids drew pictures of what they wanted to pray for in the middle.
I had such a blast utilizing my spanish and playing with the kids today. They seemed to be having a good time and their smiles were so inspirational. One thing I noticed were how all of their clothes had american names and characters on them. It made me think about how all they have comes from the waste of america and how fortunate we are to have all we have. Hopefully what we did today made an impact on the town and the ministry. I can't wait for the next VBS and the opportunity to reach out to more kids. 

- Cassidy Lenstrom

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